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Writer's pictureSIASS

Formula 1 Spygate - Sporting Scandal

"It was the sporting scandal that had everything. Vengeance, vindictiveness and ambition. Blackmail, secrecy, and the offence that gave it its name - spying.

It convulsed Formula 1, nearly broke one of its most famous teams and, seven years after its conclusion, the man at the heart of it died in unexplained circumstances.

This was 2007's 'spygate' scandal. It happened 15 years ago, and its effects are arguably still being felt today."

Full story in link below

Prior to 2007, SIASS operators were involved in a case surrounding F1 and allegations of spying and employee disloyalty. We conducted covert surveillance investigations at the request of our client and successfully provided our client with the intelligence they needed to pursue further action. It seems issues with F1 and privacy, secrecy and surveillance have been in existence for a long time.

formula 1
racing car

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